Sunday, August 23, 2009

Please, stop cutting your own hair

Lab is finally throwing it's hat into the ring and letting everyone know about Victoria's favorite hair community. Our first official add campaign is launching Sept 1 and we want to give you a sneak peek.

You may have noticed that most adds in our industry follow a very generic formula. Usually there is a model (who may or may not have had her hair done by the company who's logo is plastered across the bottom), there is the afore mentioned logo and contact info, and finally there is a slogan that more or less can be summed up as "we are cooler than you" or " we are cooler than everyone else". 

This format simply did not fit our staff. I guess we are simply not cool enough.

So after many hours of late night TV watching and deep contemplation we realized that there are hundreds of ways out there that people are able to devastate their own hair.  From vacuum based haircutting machines to a simple pair of kitchen scissors, people just can't seem to see that saving a few bucks on a decent haircut can cost them their self esteem and dignity. 

With that in mind we are simply and politely asking people to stop. 

If you look around this fall for our adds, you might see someone suffering through a situation that you have suffered through yourself.

Or maybe we are too late and you are suffering through one right now.  If so.......

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