Friday, July 24, 2009

Got Parking ?

Remember the first time you caught a Commisionaire in mid ticket writing fury. Your pace quickened as you first caught glimpse of the sadistic evil doer standing over your defenseless vehicle which could only lay in wait and watch as it's wiper blade was pulled back against it's will and a wretched piece of paper proclaiming your guilt was left behind. You waved your arms and declared your innocence at the excuse of only being a few seconds late, or just trying to get change, or your intention to move the vehicle toute suite..............but to no avail. Only met with a stone faced reply of "sorry I've already issued the ticket". You smile politely as most good canadians do but as soon as you climb into your now tarnished sedan, and close the door, all is not polite and nice. There, behind the safe and soundproof veil of glass you shout obscenities and boldly declare that this sad excuse for a rented cop preys on the wallets of honest, hardworking individuals who, despite their apparent efforts, still wish to support downtown local businesses. But this is clearly the final insult and the last straw. "Never again", you shout, "will I try to be so well intentioned, so virtuous , only to have my kindness be repaid with scorn and malevolence".

Sound familiar?

lab is now joining you in the battle against the parking brigade! We recommend using the conveniently located Yates Street Parkade located on the 500 block of yates street. When you do, please notify the front desk and we will give you 1 hour free parking!

Just one more way lab is helping you stick it to the man.

What are you waiting for?

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