Friday, December 31, 2010

NYE 2010


Lab is celebrating the coming year with style. Exciting things are on the horizon for your favorite team of friendly trendsters. Including our soon to be announced expansion to the Atrium building.

How are you spending your New Years?

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Katie Schaan... knitting her way to fame

One of your favorite friendly trendsters and singer songwriter Katie Schaan took off across BC on her first ever music tour this fall. She called it the "Knitted Goods Tour" because she actually knitted all her own merch. What can't she do?

Monday, December 27, 2010

Fashion Fights Back

In case you haven't been paying attention, the world of fashion photography has been invaded by a million GWC's (guys with camera's). The exciting world of digital desktop publishing has enabled an entire generation of self proclaimed "artists" to turn pro. You are hard pressed to go to a party these days without running into at least a half a dozen of these hobby photogs armed to the teeth with business cards, a website, and absolutely no other credentials to speak of.

So what is Fashion to do?

Video of course.

The shiny new toy of the fashion world is fashion films. They are super savy and require more talent, patience, and expensive gear than most hackers are willing to front. Many of the up and coming designers as well as larger fashion houses have been turning to this re-emerging genre to promote their fabulous wears.

It should come as no surprise that Lower Johnson's very own LeBlanc Boutique has followed suit. Known for her innovation in both her storefront and her clothing shop owner Marcie Leblanc is showing the rest of us how it is done.


Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas from Lab

Your favourite friendly trendsters at LAB would like to wish you and yours a peaceful and joyous holiday time.

Merry Christmas

Monday, December 20, 2010

Thank you Victoria!

Thanks to the hard work of the Lab staff and the monumental generosity of you, our community, we were able to collect over 900 coats for homeless. The founder of OurPlace Rev Allen was bursting with gratitude for all of your generous donations (he's a hugger evidently). The coats have been delivered and are being distributed as we speak.

We just would like to say :

Thank You
Merry Christmas

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Cuts for Coats

Does your coat closet look like this?

We can help you...

Just gather up all of the un-used or un-loved coats in your closet and bring them to Lab on Sunday Dec 19th between 12pm & 6pm (this will make us smile).

We will trade you for a swell new haircut on the spot (which will make you smile).

Then we will give those coats to some needy folks who will really love them (which will make them smile).

Before you know it a whole lotta smiles will be happening at Lab

We're making spirits bright

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Our good friend and local music phenom Vince Vacarro has recorded a beautiful version of this holiday classic.


Monday, December 13, 2010

Had ourselves a merry little christmas party!

Once again your favorite team friendly trendsters gathered to celebrate the holidays in style!

Here are just a few favorites from the evening. If you want to see more of our shennanigans, click here to join the Lab Salons group on Facebook.

Happy Holidays

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Lab Christmas Party #2

Just a heads up to the sleepy little town of Victoria...

Tonight is the LAB Christmas party !!!

You have been warned

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

14 Actors Acting

A collection of short films produced by the New York Times.

This is just incredible.

Friday, December 3, 2010

2nd Annual Cuts For Coats

Lab salons is proud to host the 2nd annual Cuts for Coats on December 19th.

Here's the skinny:

Basically if you have a warm coat at home that you aren't wearing anymore we think you should pass it on to someone less fortunate.

Still not convinced?

Fine, pass it to us and we'll give it to someone less fortunate.


Alright, we'll trade you a haircut for it.... sound fair?

Great. Show up early on dec 19th (the line up last year was quite impressive) and we'll give you a shiny new haircut just in time for the holidays.

Got more than one coat? Got a coat but don't need a haircut? Trade it in for entries to win fabulous haircare packages from your favorite friendly trendsters.

Last years coat crop yielded over 600 warm coats (enough to fill an Econo-line van) that were donated to Our Place and distributed to some very appreciative , down on their luck, locals.

So come on down to LAB and help us show the homeless some warmth and love.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

So long to a month of moustache..

After hundreds of dollars raised and thousands of point and laugh moments, we bid a fond farewell to Movember. This year LAB's small but vital Movember team grew 2 and a half moustaches ( sorry Dave ) to raise money and awareness for prostate cancer.

Thanks to all of you that supported our Mo Gro.

Now where is my razor ?

Monday, November 29, 2010

The Lab Gift Box

Just imagine how grateful someone will be when they find this little baby under the tree. Chock full of a hundred bucks worth of beautifying love from your favourite friendly trendsters, the LAB gift box is a fabulous way to tell that special someone "Merry Christmas, Hanukah, Kwanzaa, etc....."


As a special holiday bonus we are gonna kick in a $20 gift card to Still Life Boutique that you can spend as you like... maybe on other lovely gifts? Maybe just on yourself? Maybe on lovely gifts...for yourself? We won't judge...

Supplies are limited so hurry in and share the Christmas, Hanukah, Kwanzaa spirit.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Le Blanc Boutique innovates and relocates

If you haven't been lucky enough to visit the newly relocated LeBlanc Boutique you are seriously behind the times and missing out on something unique and special.

The boutique is split into 2 parts. First is the incredibly innovative storefront that has been built into the lobby of the old hotel that now makes up most of Market Square on Lower Johnson. The second part is a 700sqft boutique in the square itself ( which brings some much needed style to the inside of the square).

Owner Marcie LeBlanc is as cool as they come with impeccable taste to boot. This place is Victoria's newest must shop.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Need to Man up your Mo?

Some of you are afraid to grow a mo because you have extremely light colored hair that even when full and thick seems almost invisible. Take Dave from LAB for instance...

To enhance the manliness of his MO we applied some permanent haircolor to his upper lip...

We think you'll agree the results are impressive.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Lest we forget

Today lab would like to say thank you to all of the brave service men and women who fought and died to defend our freedom.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Movember day 10

We thought we would share our progress with you loyal blog readers. Here they are in all their 10 day old glory. If you squint really hard you can almost see a faint shadow starting to appear on Dave's upper lip. Matty is clearly on his way to a pushbroom and Aahmes can grow a full beard by shear will power.

Live long and prostate

Monday, November 8, 2010

Katie goes on tour!

Our little musical phenom Katie Schaan will be wrapping up her canadian tour at the Fort Cafe on Nov 22.

Don't miss it

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Katie's album drops!

Our very own little songbird Katie Schaan has finally released her debut album! It's titled "Close to Me" and it has already been met with critical acclaim. We are very proud of Katie and we wish her the best of luck on her upcoming tour! If you would like a copy they are available at the salon for just $10.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Matty talks to CBC radio

Lab salon director Matty Conrad was invited this morning to talk to CBC radio about Movember, the state of men's grooming. and the much anticipated Lab for Lads.

Monday, November 1, 2010

It's MO time!

Once again it is time to dawn the furry upper lip for cancer.

Lab stylists Matty Conrad & Dave Arter are growing their stache for cash.

This should be pretty entertaining because Matty looks like Thomas Magnum after a few weeks and Dave... doesn't.

seriously... he doesn't even look like Higgins.

Wanna support them ?

Friday, October 29, 2010

Bands you should love....Aidan Knight

Not because he's local....because he is freaking talented.

This local prodigy is steamrolling out his soulful sounds of indie folk and if you have ears just let it roll right on through you.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Dave needs your vote!

Okay lab fans it's time to get votin!

Our favorite superstar Dave Arter has thrown his hat (and his hairstyle) into the ring for the Inoa Revolutionary Reds contest. The winner is decided purely by votes tallied and if he wins he will be published in Elle Canada.

Let's show Dave some lab love shall we?

Click here to vote for him